The Late Knight Show Season Finale
The Late Knight is an entertainment show shot from Nicholson School of Communications studio. The show is a student-produced, faculty-advised venture.
Creators: Carla Mangual and Phillip Wright
Executive Producer: Carla Mangual
Show Producer: Alina Hoarau
Assistant Producers: Allegra Montesano
Emily Mcminn
Show Director: Kylie Kuhn
Hosts: Phillip Wright and Andrew Carson
Jaylen Brown
Joseph Jacques
Meg Hall
Creators: Carla Mangual and Phillip Wright
Executive Producer: Carla Mangual
Show Producer: Alina Hoarau
Assistant Producers: Allegra Montesano
Emily Mcminn
Show Director: Kylie Kuhn
Hosts: Phillip Wright and Andrew Carson
Jaylen Brown
Joseph Jacques
Meg Hall