
The Late Knight Show

I am a Host and the Creator of "The Late Knight Show". "The Late Knight Show" is a student run talk show that I had the pleasure of creating at the University of Central Florida.

During this experience I organized weekly meetings with production, talent, and producers as well as hosted a show with a co-host. 

Episode List

The Late Knight Show: Guest Ana Aims

The Late Knight Show Welcomed Singer Ana Aims

The Late Knight is an entertainment show shot from Nicholson School of Communications studio. The show is a student-produced, faculty-advised venture.

Creator: Carla Mangual and Phillip Wright
Executive Producers: Carla Mangual and Alina Hoarau
Assistant Producers: Allegra Montesano and Emily Mcminn
Show Director: Kat Celino
Hosts: Phillip Wright and Andrew Carson
Guest: Anna Ames

The Late Knight Show Pictures

KDS Entertainment Experience

I had the opportunity to serve as an Entertainment Journalist for KDS Studios. KDS Studios held a Boy Band Talent Contest where I interviewed the contestants.

"The Wright Show" (a new Youtube Talk Show)

"The Wright Show"

 "The Wright Show" is a self-made Youtube "talk show" where I discuss daily trendy topics. Using a green screen, lights, a teleprompter, and a mug I talk about current topics happening in the world.  

Check Out Recent Episodes